Dental Checkup Montreal
Prior to the complete examination, it is essential that a member of our team meet with you to open up your dental file. Many questions need to be answered before looking in your mouth; if you have any health problems or take any medications, if you are feeling any discomfort in your mouth or have anything you would like to change in your smile. Gathering all this information will help us learn a little bit about yourself, of your needs and allows us to prepare a personalized dental health plan.
An evaluation of your mouth is essential prior to dental treatments, therefore it is crucial to perform a complete examination of your mouth and of the surrounding tissues. The main goal of this examination is to plan, if needed, a global program of oral health care for our patients.

Various problems and lesions may be detected during this examination, such as; cavities, abscess and gum disease, sometimes even before the symptoms. They can then be identified, treated and controlled in order to avoid any repercussion on your general and oral health.
Most of the time these lesions are benign, but the risk of detecting some that are cancerous is still present. Early detection of potential cancerous cells will assure patient with higher rates of healing success.
The dental Hygienist must observe, note and advise the dentist of any abnormality of the mouth. During your complete examination, several procedures will be made that will allow us to establish a detailed and precise dental report.
- The Extra-Oral examination consists in generally observing the structure your head, face and neck.
- The intra-oral examinations consist in examining the interior of your mouth, by using different techniques in order to locate any problems.
- During the examination of the gums, we will note its color, size, position, shape, consistence, texture, bleeding and depth by probing.
The occlusal examination allows the dentist to detect any problems that ca affect your bite and articulation (TMJ).
X-Rays are also needed and are essential for the dentist. They are used to find cavities between the teeth, tartar on the roots, worn out fillings, receding bone level due to gum disease and also lesions. They sometimes help confirm the diagnosis of problems detected visually and give us vital information that we cannot get from any other source.
The intra-oral camera is a tool used to help patients see magnified images from inside their mouths such as broken fillings and irregular aspect of the gum.
Every observation and discovery made during the complete examination is carefully noted in the chart and helps the dentist adapt and plan the best care for our patient.
Once the dentist has completed the treatment plan, his hygienist will take all the time necessary to explain to you every aspect of it and answer any questions you may have. Learning material can also be used for your better understanding. Every aspect of your next appointment can be discussed according to your schedule as well as financial agreement and insurance.