Pair of hands holding model of teeth


Multiple missing teeth can not only leave you feeling self-conscious about your smile, but can impact your ability to eat and speak.  Fortunately, Dr. Berbari can offer both traditional and implant-supported dentures to restore the appearance and function of your smile. Why should you consider dentures at our Montreal, QC, dental practice?

We custom design your denture to replace any number of missing teeth...

Full and partial dentures Full and partial dentures

We Offer Several Options To Restore Your Smile  


​Complete Denture

If you have lost all of your teeth, or nearly all of your teeth, a complete denture will restore your entire smile. Dr. Berbari may recommend extracting any remaining damaged teeth before designing and placing your restoration. If you qualify for immediate dentures, we will take scans of your mouth in advance using our modern intra-oral camera to restore your smile on the same day as extractions and preparatory work.

Partial denture

​Partial Denture

For patients that retain some healthy teeth, the dentist can fill in the gaps with a partial denture. A partial denture consists of several prosthetic teeth connected to a base made of plastic and metal clasps. The clasps attach to a framework secured to your natural teeth that anchor the partial denture. Sometimes we fit your existing teeth with crowns to improve the fit of the restoration and provide additional stability.  



An overdenture is a removable prosthetic that replaces an entire dental arch. Instead of resting on top of the gums like traditional dentures, it is secured to the remaining healthy tooth tissue. Existing natural teeth are filed down, contoured, and topped with crowns to better support your restoration. Overdentures can also prevent bone atrophy by keeping tooth roots intact and stimulated. 

​Implant-Supported Denture

​Implant-Supported Denture

Dental implants are undoubtedly the most beneficial way to correct tooth loss, replacing both the visible crowns of teeth and the underlying tooth roots. Dr. Berbari embeds titanium implants into the gums where they fuse with the jawbone in a process known as osseointegration. While dental implants are initially more expensive, they last much longer than traditional dentures and both look and feel extremely lifelike. 

"We offer in-house financing plans to help make treatment as affordable as possible for all patients."

What Happens During Treatment?

The process of crafting well-fitting dentures is complicated but well worth the time and effort to get right. You will generally need around six appointments at our Montreal practice to complete your traditional denture treatment. The steps include...
Montreal Smiles offers a free consultation for patients looking to replace missing teeth.
Montreal Smiles offers a free consultation for patients looking to replace missing teeth.

Prep Work

Montreal Smiles offers a free consultation for patients looking to replace missing teeth. If you decide to move forward with traditional dentures, we will design a personalized treatment plan. Dr. Berbari may perform extractions or other preparatory treatments. The goal is to transform your gums into the ideal foundation for your future restoration.


We take detailed impressions of your mouth using our high-tech cone-beam scanner to get the most precise images of your teeth and their surrounding structures. We send the impressions to our trusted dental lab, where skilled technicians craft your custom restoration.

Mock-Up Fittings

You will try on a mock-up of your dentures to see how they look and fit. This step is crucial to creating a comfortable final product. The dentist makes the necessary adjustments to the model and returns it to the lab to construct your permanent denture.

Final Adjustment

Once they are ready, you can return to the office to try on your permanent prosthetic. The dentist will again make alternations, improving the positioning and fit until you are satisfied. To maintain your dentures, soak them overnight in a solution, brush them after meals with a non-abrasive toothpaste, and attend regular dental exams. 

Reasons to Consider Implants

​We highly recommend implant-supported restorations to qualifying patients at our Montreal practice. There are several factors our dentist will consider when selecting your form of restorative dentistry...

You may encounter functional issues with traditional dentures

Because dentures rest on top of the gums, they often lack the stability of natural teeth or implants. Patients find that chewing can be challenging or slightly uncomfortable and may better enjoy food with implant-supported restorations. 

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Some conditions are not compatible with dentures

Bone recession may eventually expose nerves in your gums, making it painful to eat and speak with a denture. Implants, on the other hand, feel like natural teeth and promote healthy jaw tissue. 

Traditional dentures are not always the cheapest option

The expense of traditional dentures can add up over time. They are less durable than implant-supported restorations and will need to be remade every three to eight years. In contrast, implants can last well over a decade and require little maintenance longterm. Furthermore, we offer in-house financing plans to help make treatment as affordable as possible for all patients. 

Dr. Berbari

Montreal Smiles

Since 1990, Dr. Roni S. Berbari and his team have provided dental care to help the community of Montreal enjoy optimal oral health and stunning smiles. Our featured procedures include:

To schedule an appointment at our Montreal, QC, dental office, contact us online or call (514) 733-3933.

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