Montreal Smiles®

Dental Implants for the Front Teeth

Jan 25, 2021 @ 09:25 PM — by Roni S. Berbari, DMD
Tagged with: Dental Implants For The Front Teeth

Dental implants are one of the most trusted and preferred solutions for tooth loss. Dental implants are surgically placed in the jaw, where they act as replacement tooth roots. Because of this technique, dental implants offer numerous benefits that are not provided by other missing teeth treatments.

Dental implants are particularly popular for tooth loss at the side or back of the mouth, but what about the front teeth? They work just as well there. At Montreal Smiles, we offer dental implants to replace missing front teeth and restore the integrity of the smile for our Montreal, QC, patients.

Considerations for Missing Front Teeth

Tooth loss makes it difficult to perform oral functions, including biting and speaking. However, what is often the biggest concern for those who have experienced tooth loss is the aesthetic impact that it has on the smile. The effect is especially great when teeth are lost from the front of the mouth. 

Dental implants offer patients who have lost teeth a durable, comfortable, and attractive solution for missing front teeth, but there are some special considerations to take into account when addressing loss from this area of the mouth.

Since dental implants are placed in the jaw, they require a lot of support from surrounding bone tissues. If the implants do not fuse with the jawbone (a process called osseointegration) then treatment will not be a success. For osseointegration to occur, our Montreal patients need to have substantial bone structure. The front of the mouth tends to have less bone density than the back of the mouth, so our dentists need to take this into consideration before proceeding with treatment.

To assess dental implant candidacy, we thoroughly examine a patient’s teeth, gums, and jaw bone, which includes taking a full set of oral x-rays. X-rays let us know if implants will have the support that is needed for osseointegration. If bone density is lacking, we may recommend a bone graft prior to implant placement.

Dental Implant Placement

Those who are ideal dental implant candidates can expect treatment to take place in several stages. The first part of dental implant treatment involves the placement of the implants themselves, which are actually tiny titanium screws. Incisions are made in the gumline and implants are inserted into the jaw.

Patients require several months of recovery after implant placement. This allows the gum tissues to heal, but also gives time for osseointegration to occur. Once the implants are stable, the second stage of treatment will take place. At this point, metal abutments are placed at the top of the implants. Abutments are small metal posts that will connect the implants to dental restorations.

The final stage of dental implant treatment involves placement of the dental restorations. Dental restorations sit over abutments to replace the crowns of missing teeth. Dental implants can support dental crowns, dental bridges, or dentures.

Benefits of Dental Implants

As we’ve stated, dental implants are one of the most preferred tooth loss treatments, and there is a reason for that. Dental implants offer many benefits that are unique to this treatment technique.

Contact Our Dental Practice

Dental implants can replace missing front teeth to give you back a strong, functioning, and attractive smile. If you’d like to find out if you are a candidate for dental implant treatment, contact our practice online, or call (514) 733-3933 to schedule an appointment with the dentists at Montreal Smiles.