Montreal Smiles®

Five Tips to Reduce Invisalign Discomfort

Feb 20, 2019 @ 10:31 AM — by Roni S. Berbari, DMD
Tagged with: Invisalign

Millions of patients worldwide have enjoyed the benefits of Invisalign®. This orthodontic option straightens the teeth without the need for metal braces. Though Invisalign is typically more comfortable compared to conventional orthodontics, some patients may still notice slight soreness or tenderness.

Here, our Montreal, QC dental team offers a few tips to reduce Invisalign discomfort so patients can enjoy a successful treatment.

How Much Soreness Should I Expect during Invisalign Treatment?

Any orthodontic treatment will result in some degree of discomfort. However, today’s advanced methods can minimize this side effect. In fact, most patients report little to no pain when undergoing Invisalign treatment. It is common to notice some soreness:

How to Reduce Invisalign Discomfort

The good news is that Invisalign discomfort is short-lived and can be quickly addressed by following a few guidelines. We will explore five in the sections below.

One: Change Out Your Trays before You Go to Sleep

Because so many patients report discomfort when changing out their trays, we recommend switching them out just before bedtime. By doing so, you can sleep during the first few hours, which is when soreness tends to be the most obvious.

Two: Apply Ice or Cold Compresses

Cold compresses can reduce inflammation and swelling. In turn, they help alleviate soreness and discomfort. Try wrapping an ice pack in a soft towel, then applying it to the external jaw for about 20 minutes. Repeat this process several times a day until the discomfort diminishes.

Three: Take Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers

Whenever your Invisalign trays cause discomfort, you can take acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen to manage the side effects. In most cases, these medications will only be necessary for a day or two. When your symptoms begin to subside, taper your dosage as needed.

Four: Wear Your Aligners as Instructed

Though this might sound counterintuitive, taking your trays out can end up causing more discomfort in the long run. This is because your teeth begin to shift back to their old positions when the trays are removed; and when you try to put them back in, the pressure can feel even greater.

Invisalign trays must be worn as directed, at least 22 hours every day. Failing to do so can seriously impede treatment.

Five: Eat Softer Foods

One of the advantages of Invisalign is that it does not require any dietary restrictions. However, if you experience any tenderness during treatment, try eating a soft food diet until your comfort level improves. Excellent choices include pasta, yogurt, smoothies, pudding, eggs, and similar foods.

Contact Us for More Information

Are you thinking about undergoing Invisalign treatment? Understanding what to expect can help increase your comfort while you straighten your teeth. To learn more, contact Montreal Smiles at (514) 733-3933.