Montreal Smiles®

Protect Yourself from the Causes of Poor Gum Health

May 14, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Roni S. Berbari, DMD
Tagged with: General Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

Many dental patients complain that they are dissatisfied with the health of their smile. Compromised dental health can affect oral functions and interfere with the strength and beauty of the smile. While most people assume that oral health problems are related to the strength or structure of the teeth, poor gum health is often the cause of oral complications.

Dr. Roni S. Berbari offers a wide range of restorative dentistry treatments to address problems with the teeth and gums. While these treatments are effective, patients should understand that, with proper oral care, they can avoid poor gum health altogether. Dr. Berbari explains the most common causes of poor gum health for Montreal, QC patients, and offers useful tips for preserving the health of the gums and teeth.

Causes of Poor Gum Health

The gums play an important role in the mouth. Strong, healthy gum tissue supports the teeth and provides a stable foundation that allows patients to bite and chew comfortably. If the health of the gum tissues becomes compromised, the entire structure of the smile will be threatened. Unfortunately, poor gum health is an issue for many patients. Below are some of the most common causes of poor gum health:

Preserving Gum Health

It is important for all patients to take necessary precautions to prevent poor gum health. However, patients who are at an increased risk of gum disease need to be especially vigilant. The following practices can help patients preserve gum health:

Contact Us

If you are concerned about the health of your teeth or gums, it is time to see an experienced dentist, such as Dr. Roni S. Berbari. Contact us at your earliest convenience to learn more about Dr. Berbari’s comprehensive range of dental services, and how these treatments can help you preserve a strong, healthy smile.