Montreal Smiles®

What Causes Tooth Loss?

Sep 19, 2016 @ 11:46 AM — by Roni S. Berbari, DMD
Tagged with: General Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

A lot of work goes into maintaining a smile that is strong, healthy, and beautiful. But it is difficult to prevent oral health complications, such as tooth loss, if you don’t know what causes them. At his dental practice, Dr. Roni S. Berbari teaches patients about the biggest threats to the health and structure of the teeth. Dr. Berbari also offers a full range of restorative dentistry treatments to repair dental damage and restore the integrity of the teeth. By understanding the most common causes of tooth loss, our Montreal, QC patients can preserve a full, functional, attractive smile.

Causes of Tooth Loss

There are many factors that pose a risk to the overall health and strength of the teeth. With proper care and precaution, most patients can maintain good oral health and preserve a complete smile despite these threats. However, if patients don’t understand the causes of tooth loss, they will not be prepared to provide the care that is needed to protect the teeth. Dr. Berbari educates patients on the most common causes of tooth loss and how they can be prevented:

Schedule an Appointment

At Montreal Smiles, we care about the health and beauty of your smile. To learn more about the comprehensive range of dental services we offer, schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.