Montreal Smiles®

Root Canal Therapy Improves Oral Health and Prevents Tooth Loss

Jun 14, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by Roni S. Berbari, DMD
Tagged with: Root Canal Restorative Dentistry

There are many dental problems that can compromise oral health and threaten the structure of the tooth, and a root canal infection is certainly one of the most serious dental conditions. A root canal infection results when bacteria enter the tooth and cause the nerves and tissues in the middle of the tooth to become swollen. Endodontics is a branch of dentistry dedicated to caring for the roots of the tooth by treating root canal infections. Root canal therapy is the only effective treatment for root canal infections, and the best chance a patient has to save the natural tooth. Unfortunately, root canal therapy has earned a bad reputation over the years. We are here to clear the air by discussing the many root canal therapy benefits our Montreal, QC patients will enjoy following endodontics treatment.

What to Expect during Treatment

Most of the fears regarding root canal therapy are centered on what will take place during treatment. Root canal therapy is actually a straightforward procedure that can typically be completed in just two dental appointments. At the first appointment, Dr. Berbari will remove damaged pulp from the middle of the tooth and clean the channels of the roots. A local anesthetic is administered prior to treatment to ensure a pain-free procedure. After the tooth has been properly cleaned, it will be filled with a rubber-like dental compound and capped with a temporary crown. Treatment is completed at a second dental appointment when a permanent dental crown is placed over the tooth to add an extra layer of strength and protection.

Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

Most patients are pleasantly surprised by the simplicity of the root canal therapy process. Root canal therapy eliminates harmful infection and restores a patient’s normal oral functions. Additionally, root canal therapy benefits patients in the following ways:

While it is perfectly normal for patients to feel some apprehension prior to root canal therapy, this truly is a beneficial dental treatment that improves oral health and promotes an overall sense of well being.

Contact Us

Root canal therapy is an effective procedure that restores oral health and prevents further dental complications. If you have questions about root canal therapy, Dr. Roni Berbari is happy to discuss this procedure in further detail. We will take x-rays and perform a comprehensive exam to determine if you require root canal therapy. Contact us at your earliest convenience to learn more. We look forward to hearing from you.