Montreal Smiles®

Treat Chipped Teeth to Enhance the Beauty of Your Smile

Dec 12, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Roni S. Berbari, DMD
Tagged with: Restorative Dentistry Dental Crowns Dental Bonding

Chipped teeth are a fairly common problem. Although the teeth are strong and durable, there are many factors that can lead to a chipped tooth. Anything from an oral injury, to biting down on a hard candy, to a general wearing down of the tooth’s enamel could lead to a portion of a patient’s tooth chipping off. Fortunately, Dr. Roni Berbari offers several treatments for chipped teeth at his Montreal, QC practice, including cosmetic and restorative dentistry treatments to rebuild tooth enamel and strengthen the structure of the tooth. Dr. Berbari is happy to discuss each of these options with his patients in further detail so that they know which treatment is best for their unique circumstances.

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Not all cases of chipped teeth are severe. In fact, many patients experience the loss of only a small portion of the tooth. Still, it is important to treat even a minor chip because it can greatly impact the appearance of the smile, and will also make the tooth weaker and more vulnerable to further injury. When chips are minor, cosmetic dentistry treatments can often provide patients with the results they desire. The two most common cosmetic dentistry treatments for chipped teeth are dental bonding and porcelain veneers.

Restorative Dentistry Treatment

A more severe chip will probably require restorative dentistry treatment. This is necessary if the inner layer of the tooth becomes exposed as a result of the chip. A restorative treatment will strengthen the tooth and protect it so that more serious dental complications do not develop. The most appropriate restorative dentistry treatment for a chipped tooth is a dental crown. A dental crown surrounds a damaged tooth on all sides to rebuild its structure and provide a protective barrier between bacteria and the inner layer of the tooth.

Contact Us

If you have suffered from a chipped tooth, dental treatment can enhance the strength of the tooth as well as the beauty of the smile. To learn more about the chipped tooth treatments offered at Dr. Roni Berbari’s dental practice, contact us at your earliest convenience.