Montreal Smiles®

Are You a Candidate for Cosmetic Dental Bonding?

Nov 11, 2014 @ 01:05 PM — by Roni S. Berbari, DMD
Tagged with: Dental Bonding Porcelain Veneers Cosmetic Dentistry

From discoloration to chipped, cracked, and worn teeth, there are many ways in which a smile may lose its luster over the years. Even if teeth are healthy overall, one or more cosmetic flaws can easily detract from someone’s confidence in their smile and thus their appearance. Porcelain veneers are one way to achieve a smile makeover, and yet the procedure may be too invasive and cost-prohibitive for some patients. If you wish to cover up or repair smaller imperfections without affecting the entire tooth, dental bonding can offer satisfying benefits for the right candidate. To determine whether cosmetic dental bonding is right for you, please see the below information, as provided by our Montreal dental office. 

Problems Fixed by Dental Bonding

Dental bonding uses thin layers of composite resin to cover imperfections or fill them in, depending on their type, placement, and severity. Because composite resin is similar to enamel in both appearance and durability, it is a good way to mask or fix individual flaws in teeth. Although bonding can be seen as partially restorative, since it can build upon and replace damaged tissue, it is primarily cosmetic in nature. Typically, candidates for bonding may wish to improve the following issues:

Candidates for Dental Bonding

If you have any of the above cosmetic problems and want to achieve a more uniform smile, you are likely a good candidate for dental bonding. Because bonding is non-invasive, poses little if any risk, and may not even require local anesthesia, most patients can undergo treatment without any concern or contraindications. Candidacy, therefore, is primarily based upon personal preference and expectations for treatment.

The best candidates for bonding are those who have healthy teeth and do not expect to undergo restorative treatment in the near future. A cavity, for instance, will likely require the removal of tooth tissue and any restorations (e.g., the bonding material) with it. We therefore encourage our patients to first ensure good oral and dental health before seeking cosmetic enhancements such as bonding.

Finally, candidates for bonding should carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages of treatment against those of porcelain veneers. Both treatment options are traditionally used to address the same problems, albeit in different ways and with different results. While bonding is better suited for smaller, more localized problems, veneers are better for masking larger or multiple flaws and resurfacing a tooth’s appearance entirely. For a more detailed explanation of whether bonding or a veneer is more appropriate, speak with your dentist. 

Benefits of Dental Bonding

If you are unsure whether cosmetic dental bonding is a good option, consider the benefits it offers many of our patients:

Learn More about Bonding

Our office offers a variety of cosmetic dentistry services to give your smile the healthy, beautiful look it deserves. Schedule an appointment with us for a consultation and learn which treatment options can best help you.